Monday, February 10, 2014

How To Buy A Rowing Machine Part 1: Benefits Of Using A Rowing Machine

The purpose of this buying guide is to help you find the best rowing machines for you to buy.

Here are links to the complete guide:

There are a lot of great rowing machine benefits. Rowing machines are fitness exercise machines which provide a great cardiovascular and body building workout. The actual rowing motion effectively helps in improving the tone of your upper and lower body muscles and in promoting better blood circulation

But which one is the best rowing machine to buy??

Let’s find out!


The Rowing Machine

The rowing machine provides a fantastic full body workout, and it can provide both a cardio workout as well as a strength workout. These machines were designed to mimic and simulate the action of rowing a boat. In fact, some of the fancier rowing machine models even have water tanks to provide the natural rowing ability plus you hear the sound of water every time you row.

Let’s go over the benefits of the rowing exercise machine

Benefits Of Using Rowing Machines

For Building Strength

Since rowing machines provide great workout for the improvement of muscle tone and strength, some people may be purchasing it for this specific reason. For those belonging under this category, consider buying models which provide higher amount of resistance levels to have better options in choosing an intensity for one’s routine.

Cardio/Aerobic Workout

As we have already mentioned, rowing is a great cardio workout as well and can get your pulse up quite effectively. There are many major muscle groups involved and a rowing machine makes it easy to raise your heart rate and increase oxygen update to your muscles.

Effective Lower Body Workout

rowing-machine-muscles-usedOne of the top benefits of rowing machines is the effective lower body workout which you can get. Hard-core rowing machine users agree that it is a very strong lower-body workout. There is a lot of heavy quad use and thigh use with rowing machines, especially with resistance turned up. The back-and-forth sliding seat of rowing machines also provide the glutes and hamstrings with a great workout.

Effective Upper Body Workout

Rowing machines give a great upper body workout, especially with the resistance turned up. You can get both a chest and back workout, and a good shoulder and neck workout as well. With full range of motion there can even be tricep and bicep workouts as well.

Strenuous Full Body Workout

In other words, you can get an effective full body workout with the rowing motion. Studies show that rowing machines impact your lower body muscles of up 30% while 70% impacts your upper body muscles.

[Picture diagram on right from]

Low Impact Exercise

Rowing machines are also known to perform low impact operation, ensuring that minimal stress on user’s hips, knees and ankle joints occur while it strengthens the arms, shoulders and other major muscle groups. It certainly is a great health device that can provide the benefits of aerobic exercise with the improvement of muscle strength, tone and flexibility.

For Losing Weight

This may also include people who are intending to purchase a rowing machine for general fitness purposes. If you are among this, it is best to acquire a low-cost rowing machine such as the pistol resistance model. If you are a beginner, it is advisable that you consider models which feature light resistance to help you get started.

For Event Training

For this group of people, purchasing a rowing machine with a good range of resistance levels and with more program option is highly recommended in order for them to have greater access to workout variation.


Therefore, if you are in the market for an impressive piece of exercise device which has the ability to burn good amount of calories at an affordable or even expensive price, a rowing machine is certainly among the top equipment that you must highly consider.

There are several brands, styles and price ranges available now in the market and to make sure that you are making a sound choice in the process of your purchase, reading this Rowing Machine Buying Guide is definitely helpful. This includes essential information that you should look into to guarantee that the rowing machine you will buy can perfectly meet and satisfy your needs.

That Concludes This Portion Of Our Buying Guide

Now that you know a brief overview of best rowing machines, you can think about your own situation and then be ready for Part 2: Types Of Rowing Machines

Here are links to the complete guide:


Check out more reviews, tips, and guides to buy rowing machine online

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