Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How To Buy A Treadmill For Home Part 2: Treadmill Features

The purpose of this buying guide is to help you find the best treadmills for home you can buy

Here are links to the complete guide:

Buying treadmills have become the wisest and hottest choice when it comes to cardiovascular workout. It is a great way for people to get cardio exercise with the convenience of working out at home. It gives runners a nice respite from running outside, especially if there is inclement weather. It also gives runners a chance to set actual pacing metrics.

But which one is the best treadmill for home to buy??

Let’s go over some features!

treadmill features

Treadmill Features To Consider

Manual Treadmill Or Motorized Treadmill

As mentioned in How To Buy A Treadmill For Home Part 1 the two main

types of treadmills are the Manual Treadmill and the Motorized Treadmill.

The motorized treadmills are much higher quality and much easier to work out with, but at a much higher cost.

Manual treadmills require you to use the handholds which doesn’t give you a true “running” workout. However, they are much cheaper and also much more compact.

See our previous Part 1 of our buying guide for full details.

Motor Capacity

If you are considering a motorized treadmill, the motor capacity of a treadmill is the factor that needs consideration. The motor is the most important part of a machine, without it a machine will not perform or work accordingly. There are two motors that is inside the treadmill, first is the one that drives the belt and the other is the one responsible for raising and lowering the incline. This might be confusing, especially when you don’t know important things about a motor. So, here is what you need, look for “continuous duty” motor that has at least 1.5 horsepower for light use and 2.5 to 3.0 horsepower for frequent use.

Machine’s Cost

It is always said that you get what you paid for. But not everything that costs less has less function. Buying a treadmill is a good investment; this is why you need to consider its price. Now, for those who have tight budget prices of treadmill machines ranges from $500 to $1500, for the mid-range price ranges from $1500 to $3000 and higher quality treadmills ranges from $3000 and up. Of course there are times that significant sales and discounts are offered which is something you should also consider.

Stability and Smoothness

When you want to test a treadmill machine, wear on your workout shoes and your workout clothes. The ride should be smooth, and not shaky. If it is very shaky, it is unacceptable. Test the handrails, it should be sturdy enough for support and provides ease for gripping.

Machines Workout Features

Choose a treadmill machine that has the most programmable and pre-set workouts. The machines incline speed should be easy to adjust from the console. Pulse monitor and display data should be accurate. There should be additional features like water bottle holder or book rack for a little entertainment. Some may have audio or video plug-in and Wi-Fi that may provide more comfort and of course to provide more workout routines for the user.

Space and Folding Treadmills

You need to have enough space for your treadmill. Measure up your area and look for a machine that can conveniently fit your desired space. If you have big space, you can have a non-folding treadmill or if you have a little room for it then you can opt for a folding treadmill. The noise should also be considered.

You can find both manual treadmills and motorized treadmills of a folding variety.

Below is the Phoenix 98510 Manual Folding Treadmill.

Phoenix 98510 Easy-Up Manual Treadmill

For a motorized folding treadmill, check out the popular Proform Pro 2000 Folding Motorized Treadmill

ProForm Pro 2000 Treadmill Pic

Walking Belts Size

The size of the walking belt should also be an important consideration. The size of the deck of walking and running surface should be at least 3/4 thick for utmost comfort. The thicker the surface the better it is, and more comfortable for the user. Thick deck surfaces also minimize chances of injury. For running, 48” by 17” long is the ideal size of the belt. But, belts that are too thick are prone to hold in heat and increases electricity consumption. The heavier weight added to the belt also gives more stress to the roller bearings. Find a belt size that gives you more comfort.

Noise Level

If you are living in apartments then you need a treadmill that does not make a lot of noise. You might think manual treadmills might be quieter, but some manual treadmills might take a bit of a “pounding” to get the belt running which might be a more annoying noise than a consistent motorized hum.

Then again, depending on how you run, you might give a regular motorized treadmill a pounding as well.

That Concludes This Portion Of Our Buying Guide

Now that you know some features to look for when considering best treadmills for home, you are ready for Part 3: Treadmill Buying Tips

Here are links to the complete guide:


Check out more reviews, tips, and guides to best treadmills for home

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